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How to Unstage a File in Git?

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Git is a powerful version control system that helps developers track changes and collaborate effectively. During development, you might accidentally stage the wrong file or decide to make further changes before committing. In such cases, Git provides commands to unstage files easily.

This blog will explain what it means to unstage a file in Git, when you might need to do it, and step-by-step instructions for unstaging files.

What Does It Mean to “Unstage” a File?

When you stage a file in Git using git add, the changes are moved from the working directory to the staging area. This means Git is now tracking these changes for the next commit.

Unstaging a file simply moves it out of the staging area without discarding the changes. The file will remain modified in the working directory, but it will not be included in the next commit until you stage it again.

Scenarios Where You Might Need to Unstage a File

  • Staging by Mistake: You accidentally staged a file that you don’t want to commit.
  • Partial Changes: You want to commit some changes in a file but not all.
  • File Fix Needed: You realize the file needs more modifications before being committed.

How to Unstage a File in Git

1. Unstage a Specific File

To unstage a specific file, use the git restore --staged command followed by the file name:

git restore --staged <file>


If you staged a file called example.txt but want to unstage it:

git restore --staged example.txt

2. Unstage All Staged Files

To unstage all files currently in the staging area, use:

git restore --staged .

This command unstages every file in the staging area and leaves the changes in the working directory.

3. Using git reset to Unstage Files

Another method to unstage files is by using git reset. This command also removes files from the staging area without discarding their changes.

Unstage a Specific File:

git reset <file>

Unstage All Files:

git reset

Checking the Status of Your Repository

Before and after unstaging files, it’s helpful to check the status of your repository to confirm the changes.

git status

Output example after unstaging a file:

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
        modified:   example.txt

This indicates that example.txt is no longer staged but still modified.

Common Use Cases with Examples

1. Staging by Mistake

You run:

git add example.txt

But you realize the file was added by mistake. Unstage it with:

git restore --staged example.txt

2. Partial Commit

If you want to commit only certain changes in a file:

  1. Unstage the file: git restore --staged example.txt
  2. Use the git add -p command to stage specific changes interactively: git add -p example.txt

3. Starting Fresh

You accidentally staged multiple files:

git add .

Unstage all of them:

git restore --staged .

Best Practices

  1. Check Before Committing: Always run git status to review staged changes before committing. This helps avoid accidental commits.
  2. Use git diff: To see what changes are staged, use: git diff --staged
  3. Interactive Staging: Use git add -p to stage changes interactively, giving you finer control over what is staged.


Unstaging files in Git is a simple yet essential skill that allows developers to manage their changes effectively. By using commands like git restore --staged or git reset, you can quickly move files out of the staging area without losing your modifications.

Whether you’re working on a solo project or collaborating with a team, mastering these techniques ensures your commits are clean and intentional. With practice, managing your staging area will become second nature.

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