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How to Remove All Changes in Git?

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Git is a powerful version control system that allows developers to track and manage code changes. However, there are times when you may want to discard all your changes, especially when experimenting with new features or facing unexpected issues. Whether you’re dealing with uncommitted changes, staged files, or committed work, Git offers several methods to help you reset your project to a clean state.

In this blog post, we’ll walk you through the different ways to remove all changes in Git, including untracked files, staged changes, and commits. We’ll also explain the implications of each method so you can choose the right approach for your situation.

Understanding the Scope of “Remove All Changes”

Before we dive into how to remove changes in Git, let’s clarify what “removing all changes” means. There are several types of changes you might want to undo:

  1. Untracked files: Files that are not yet added to the staging area or committed to the repository.
  2. Staged changes: Files that are ready to be committed but haven’t been committed yet.
  3. Committed changes: Changes that have already been committed to the Git history.

Depending on your needs, you might want to discard only some of these changes or all of them. Git provides different commands and strategies for each situation.

1. Removing Untracked Files

Untracked files are those files that Git has not yet been instructed to track. These are files you’ve created but haven’t added to the staging area with git add.

To see all untracked files in your repository, you can use the following command:

git status

Untracked files will be listed under the “Untracked files” section.

Remove Untracked Files Using git clean

Git provides a command called git clean to remove untracked files from your working directory. However, be cautious, as this command will permanently delete those files. To preview what files will be deleted, use:

git clean -n

This will show you a list of untracked files that would be removed if you ran the command.

To actually remove the untracked files, use:

git clean -f

If you want to remove untracked directories in addition to files, use:

git clean -fd

If you’re unsure and want to be extra cautious, you can use the -n flag to perform a dry-run and review the files before removing them.

2. Removing Staged Changes

Staged changes are files that have been modified and are ready to be committed. If you want to remove all changes from the staging area but keep your modifications in the working directory (so that you can rework them later), you can use the following command:

git reset

This command will unstage the changes, but it won’t remove the modifications in the files. Essentially, it removes the files from the staging area and moves them back to the “modified” state.

If you want to unstage specific files, you can provide their names:

git reset <file-name>

If you’d like to undo all staged changes and also remove the changes from your working directory (essentially reverting the files to their last committed state), you can use:

git reset --hard

This will completely discard any changes in your working directory and staging area, restoring the repository to its last commit.

3. Removing All Commits (Resetting to a Specific Commit)

If you want to completely remove all changes, including the commits, you can reset your repository to a previous commit. This is especially useful when you’ve made several commits but want to discard them entirely and start fresh from a known state.

Soft Reset: Keep Changes in the Working Directory

If you want to keep the changes in your working directory but undo all commits (while preserving your changes), you can use the git reset command with the --soft flag:

git reset --soft <commit-hash>

This will reset the repository to the specified commit but leave the changes in your working directory and staging area.

Hard Reset: Remove Commits and All Changes

If you want to discard all commits, staged changes, and modifications (essentially wiping out all your work), you can perform a hard reset:

git reset --hard <commit-hash>

This will reset your repository to the specified commit, removing all changes and commits made after that point. If you want to discard everything and go back to the very first commit, you can use:

git reset --hard $(git rev-list --max-parents=0 HEAD)

Be cautious with the --hard reset, as it will permanently delete your changes and commits from the history. It’s highly recommended to ensure you really want to discard everything before using this command.

4. Removing a Specific Commit

If you want to remove a specific commit, but not all commits, you can use the git revert command. Unlike git reset, which rewrites history, git revert creates a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by a previous commit.

To revert a specific commit, use:

git revert <commit-hash>

This will create a new commit that undoes the changes introduced by the specified commit. You can revert multiple commits by providing a commit range.

5. Removing All Changes and Start Fresh with a Clean Clone

Sometimes, the easiest way to remove all changes and start over with a fresh copy of the repository is to simply clone the repository again. This is especially useful if you want to abandon all your local changes and get the latest version of the code from the remote repository.

To clone the repository again, follow these steps:

  1. Delete your current repository directory.
  2. Clone the repository again using:
   git clone <repository-url>

This approach ensures that you start with a clean slate, free of all local changes, commits, and configurations.

Best Practices for Removing Changes

  • Commit Frequently: To avoid losing important work, commit changes frequently and push them to a remote repository. This way, you have a backup of your work, and you can always revert to a previous state if needed.
  • Use Git Stashes: If you’re unsure whether you want to discard your changes, consider using git stash to temporarily save your modifications. You can always apply the stash later if you decide you want to continue working on it.
  • Be Careful with git reset --hard: The --hard flag is powerful but dangerous, as it will discard all changes without warning. Always double-check that you want to lose your changes before using this command.


Git provides multiple methods to remove all changes, whether they’re untracked files, staged modifications, or commits. The most common tools for this purpose include git clean, git reset, and git revert. The method you choose depends on the scope of changes you want to remove, so always consider whether you want to preserve some modifications or wipe everything clean.

By understanding how to properly discard changes, you can confidently manage your codebase, revert mistakes, and ensure that your repository stays in a state that fits your needs.

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