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How to List All Branches in Git?

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Git, the powerful version control system, allows developers to work on multiple features or bug fixes simultaneously using branches. As a project grows, it’s common to manage several branches, both locally and remotely. Knowing how to list all branches helps you navigate through the repository efficiently.

In this blog, we’ll explore various Git commands to list all branches, differentiate between local and remote branches, and provide tips for better branch management.

What Are Branches in Git?

In Git, a branch is essentially a pointer to a particular commit in the repository.

  • Local branches are stored on your machine and are used for development.
  • Remote branches exist on a remote repository (e.g., GitHub, GitLab) and are used to share code among team members.

Knowing how to view and manage these branches is essential for a clean workflow.

How to List All Branches in Git

1. List Local Branches

To display all local branches in your repository, use the following command:

git branch

This will show a list of local branches, with the current branch marked by an asterisk *.

Example Output:

* main

2. List Remote Branches

To display all remote branches that exist on the remote repository, use:

git branch -r

Example Output:


Here, origin is the default name for the remote repository.

3. List Both Local and Remote Branches

To see all branches, including local and remote branches, use:

git branch -a

Example Output:

* main

Branches starting with remotes/origin/ indicate remote branches.

4. List Branches with the Last Commit Details

If you want to see branches along with the last commit made on each branch, use:

git branch -v

Example Output:

* main                a1234cd Fix typo in README
  feature/login       b5678ef Add login form validation
  bugfix/crash-fix    c9101gh Fix app crash on startup

5. List Merged Branches

To list branches that have already been merged into the current branch, run:

git branch --merged

Example Output:

* main

This is useful for identifying branches that are safe to delete.

6. List Unmerged Branches

To see branches that haven’t been merged into the current branch, use:

git branch --no-merged

Example Output:


This helps identify branches that still require work or review.

Bonus: How to List Remote Branches Using git ls-remote

If you need to fetch a list of all branches directly from a remote repository without cloning it, use the git ls-remote command:

git ls-remote --heads <remote_repository_url>

Example Output:

a1234cd refs/heads/main
b5678ef refs/heads/feature/login

Here, the output includes commit hashes and branch names.

Tips for Managing Branches in Git

  1. Clean Up Stale Branches:
    Use git branch -d <branch_name> to delete merged local branches and git push --delete origin <branch_name> for remote ones.
  2. Fetch the Latest Branches:
    Run git fetch --prune to sync your remote branch list and remove outdated references.
  3. Name Branches Clearly:
    Follow naming conventions like feature/<name> or bugfix/<name> for clarity.
  4. Use Git GUI Tools:
    Tools like GitHub Desktop, Sourcetree, and GitKraken provide a visual representation of branches, making navigation easier.


Listing branches in Git is a fundamental skill that helps you navigate and manage your repository effectively. Here’s a quick recap of the commands:

  • git branch – List local branches.
  • git branch -r – List remote branches.
  • git branch -a – List all branches.
  • git branch -v – View branches with last commit details.
  • git branch --merged – List merged branches.
  • git branch --no-merged – List unmerged branches.

By mastering these commands, you can maintain a clean workflow, collaborate efficiently, and keep your repository organized.

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