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How to Create a Pull Request on GitHub?

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In collaborative software development, pull requests (PRs) are one of the most essential features of version control systems like GitHub. A pull request allows you to propose changes to a codebase, request a review from your team members, and ultimately merge those changes into the main project. This workflow helps maintain code quality, track changes, and facilitate team collaboration.

Whether you’re contributing to an open-source project, collaborating on a team, or working on a personal repository, creating a pull request is a key part of your development process. In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of creating a pull request on GitHub, explain the key concepts involved, and share best practices to help ensure smooth and effective collaboration.

What is a Pull Request?

A pull request (PR) is a way to propose changes to a GitHub repository. It allows developers to:

  • Submit changes made in a feature branch to the main project.
  • Request a code review from other collaborators before merging the changes.
  • Track discussions and comments on the changes before they are merged into the main branch.

When a pull request is created, GitHub provides a detailed comparison between the source (your branch) and the target (usually the main or develop branch), highlighting the changes made. Team members can review the code, suggest improvements, and approve the changes before they are merged.

Why are Pull Requests Important?

  1. Code Review and Quality Assurance: Pull requests allow team members to review changes, catch potential bugs, and ensure code quality before changes are merged.
  2. Collaboration: A pull request provides a platform for discussion about the changes, which is crucial for effective collaboration in a team.
  3. Version Control: PRs help track changes over time, making it easy to understand how a codebase evolves.
  4. Continuous Integration (CI): Many teams use automated tests and continuous integration tools that run automatically when a pull request is created. This ensures that the new code doesn’t break the project.

Now that you understand the importance of pull requests, let’s walk through the process of creating one.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Create a Pull Request on GitHub

Step 1: Fork and Clone the Repository (for Open Source Contributions)

If you are contributing to an open-source project, the first step is usually to fork the repository. Forking creates a copy of the original repository under your GitHub account, allowing you to freely make changes without affecting the original project. Once you’ve forked the repository, clone it to your local machine to work on it.

  1. Fork the Repository:
  • Go to the repository on GitHub that you want to contribute to.
  • Click the Fork button at the top right of the page. This creates a copy of the repository under your GitHub account.
  1. Clone the Repository:
  • On your forked repository page, click the Code button.
  • Copy the URL (HTTPS or SSH).
  • Open a terminal on your local machine and run:
    bash git clone
  • Change into the project directory:
    bash cd repository-name

Step 2: Create a New Branch

Once you’ve cloned the repository, create a new branch for the changes you want to make. It’s best practice to keep your changes isolated in a separate branch rather than working directly on the main branch.

  1. Create a New Branch:
   git checkout -b my-feature-branch

Replace my-feature-branch with a descriptive name that explains the purpose of the branch (e.g., feature/add-login, bugfix/fix-login-error).

  1. Make Changes:
    Now, make the necessary changes to the codebase on your local machine.
  2. Commit Your Changes:
    After you’ve made your changes, stage and commit them:
   git add .
   git commit -m "Add feature XYZ or fix bug ABC"
  1. Push the Changes:
    Push your changes to your forked repository on GitHub:
   git push origin my-feature-branch

Step 3: Create the Pull Request

Once your changes are pushed to GitHub, you’re ready to create a pull request.

  1. Go to Your Forked Repository on GitHub:
  • Navigate to the GitHub page of the repository you just pushed your changes to.
  • GitHub will often show a prompt to Compare & pull request when you push a new branch. Click on this button to start the pull request process.
  1. Choose the Base and Compare Branches:
  • Base Branch: This is the branch you want to merge your changes into. Most of the time, this will be the main or develop branch.
  • Compare Branch: This is the branch that contains the changes you want to propose (the branch you just created and pushed). Ensure that the base branch is the correct one (usually main or develop) and the compare branch is your feature branch.
  1. Add a Title and Description:
  • Title: Write a concise and descriptive title for your pull request (e.g., “Add Login Form Component”).
  • Description: In the description, provide context for your changes. Describe what changes you made, why you made them, and any additional information that might be helpful to reviewers. This is also where you can reference any related issues (e.g., “Fixes #45”).
  1. Create the Pull Request:
  • Once you’ve added a title and description, click the Create Pull Request button.
  • GitHub will now notify the repository maintainers that a new pull request has been created, and they can begin reviewing your changes.

Step 4: Review and Address Feedback

Once your pull request is created, your team members or project maintainers will review your changes. This process may include the following:

  1. Code Review: Reviewers will check the quality of your code, look for bugs, and suggest improvements.
  2. Discussions: Reviewers may ask questions or leave comments for you to address. It’s important to stay engaged and respond to feedback.
  3. Requested Changes: If changes are requested, make the necessary updates to your code, commit the changes, and push them to the same branch. The pull request will automatically update with your new changes.

Step 5: Merge the Pull Request

Once the pull request is approved, it will be merged into the base branch. This is usually done by the repository maintainer, though you may have permission to merge it yourself. Here’s how the merge process works:

  1. Merge the Pull Request:
  • If you have merge permissions, you’ll see a Merge pull request button on GitHub. Click it to merge your changes into the base branch.
  • If the pull request includes multiple commits, you can choose to squash and merge to combine them into a single commit before merging.
  1. Delete the Branch:
  • After the pull request is merged, it’s good practice to delete the feature branch to keep the repository clean. GitHub will prompt you to delete the branch once the merge is complete.

Step 6: Sync Your Fork (Optional)

If you’re working on a forked repository, it’s important to keep your fork up-to-date with the upstream repository. To do this:

  1. Add the upstream repository as a remote:
   git remote add upstream
  1. Fetch the latest changes from the upstream repository:
   git fetch upstream
  1. Merge the changes into your local repository:
   git checkout main
   git merge upstream/main
  1. Push the updates to your fork:
   git push origin main

Best Practices for Creating Pull Requests

  1. Keep PRs Small and Focused: A good pull request should ideally address a single concern (e.g., a feature, bug fix, or refactor). Large PRs can be difficult to review and may introduce bugs.
  2. Write Descriptive Commit Messages: Use clear and descriptive commit messages to explain why a change was made, especially if the change is not immediately obvious.
  3. Link to Issues: Reference related issues in your pull request (e.g., “Fixes #45”) to provide context and help maintain traceability between code and issues.
  4. Test Before Submitting: Ensure that your changes don’t break anything by running tests or checking the project in different environments before submitting your pull request.
  5. Be Responsive to Feedback: Collaborate with the reviewers and address their concerns promptly. Be open to suggestions and improvements.


Creating a pull request on GitHub is a powerful way to contribute to projects and collaborate with other developers. By following the steps outlined in this guide and adhering to best practices, you can streamline your workflow and ensure your contributions are reviewed and merged efficiently.

Pull requests not only help with code review but also serve as a platform for discussion, improving the overall quality and maintainability of the project. Whether you’re contributing to open-source or working with a team, mastering the pull request process will enhance your development experience and help you contribute more effectively.

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