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How to Check Conflicts in Git?

How to Check Conflicts in Git
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Git is an indispensable tool for version control, allowing developers to collaborate on projects efficiently. However, when multiple developers make changes to the same file, merge conflicts can occur. These conflicts need to be resolved to integrate changes successfully.

In this blog, we’ll cover how to check for conflicts in Git, understand why they happen, and provide steps to identify and resolve them effectively.

What Are Git Conflicts?

A Git conflict occurs when Git is unable to automatically merge changes made by different contributors. This usually happens when:

  • Changes are made to the same line of a file.
  • One contributor deletes a file while another edits it.
  • There are conflicting changes across branches.

Git will pause the merge and mark the conflicting sections of code, requiring manual resolution.

How to Check for Conflicts in Git

1. Perform a Merge or Rebase

Conflicts usually become apparent during a merge or rebase operation. For example:

git merge branch-name


git rebase branch-name

If conflicts are detected, Git stops the process and displays a message like:

CONFLICT (content): Merge conflict in file-name
Automatic merge failed; fix conflicts and then commit the result.

This output lists the files with conflicts.

2. List Conflicting Files

To check which files are in conflict, use:

git status

Git will display something like:

On branch main
You have unmerged paths.
  (fix conflicts and run "git commit")
Unmerged paths:
  (use "git add <file>..." to mark resolution)
        both modified:   file-name1
        both added:      file-name2

Here, both modified and both added indicate conflicts.

3. Inspect Conflict Markers

Open the conflicting file(s) in your text editor or IDE. Git marks the conflicting sections with conflict markers:

<<<<<<< HEAD
Your changes here
Changes from the other branch here
>>>>>>> branch-name
  • HEAD: Your changes on the current branch.
  • branch-name: Changes from the branch you are merging into.

You’ll need to decide which changes to keep or how to combine them.

4. Use Git Tools to Check Conflicts

Modern Git clients and editors provide visual tools to inspect conflicts:

Visual Studio Code

  • Open the conflicting file.
  • VS Code highlights conflicting sections and provides actions like Accept Current Change, Accept Incoming Change, or Accept Both Changes.

Git GUI Tools

  • Tools like GitKraken, SourceTree, or GitHub Desktop display conflicts with a graphical interface, making it easier to identify and resolve issues.

5. Using git diff to View Changes

To see the differences between conflicting branches:

git diff HEAD branch-name

This command highlights the changes that caused the conflict, providing context for resolution.

6. Using Logs for Conflict Insight

To understand the source of conflicts, check the commit history:

git log --merge

This displays commits that may have introduced the conflicts.

Resolving Conflicts

Steps to Resolve:

  1. Open Conflicting Files: Review the sections marked with conflict markers (<<<<<<<, =======, >>>>>>>).
  2. Edit Files: Decide which changes to keep and remove the conflict markers.
  3. Mark as Resolved: Stage the resolved files: git add file-name
  4. Complete the Merge: Commit the changes to complete the merge or rebase process: git commit

Best Practices to Avoid Conflicts

  1. Pull Regularly: Sync with the remote repository often to stay updated with changes. git pull
  2. Communicate with Your Team: Coordinate changes, especially for shared files.
  3. Use Feature Branches: Work on separate branches to isolate changes and avoid overwriting others’ work.
  4. Rebase Frequently: Rebase your branch to stay aligned with the main branch: git rebase main
  5. Test Before Committing: Run tests to ensure functionality after resolving conflicts.


Merge conflicts are a natural part of collaborative development, but they can be easily managed with the right approach. By following the steps in this guide, you can quickly identify and resolve conflicts in Git, ensuring smooth integration of changes.

Remember, effective communication and best practices like frequent pulls and feature branching can minimize conflicts and streamline your workflow.

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