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How to Change a Commit Message in Git After Push?

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In software development, clear and descriptive commit messages are essential for effective collaboration and project management. However, you might sometimes realize that the message of a commit you’ve already pushed is unclear or incorrect. Fortunately, Git provides tools to amend commit messages—even after a push—though it must be done carefully to avoid disrupting collaborators.

This blog will guide you through changing a commit message after a push while maintaining a clean and collaborative workflow.

Why You Might Need to Change a Commit Message

  1. Fixing Typos: Correct errors in the message.
  2. Improving Clarity: Make the message more descriptive or accurate.
  3. Updating Information: Add missing details or references.

Steps to Change a Commit Message After a Push

Step 1: Check Your Commit History

Before making any changes, review your commit history to identify the commit you want to modify.


git log --oneline  

This command will display a concise list of recent commits. Locate the commit with the message you want to edit.

Step 2: Amend the Commit Message

If the commit to be changed is the most recent one, you can use the --amend option:

git commit --amend  

This will open your default text editor with the existing commit message. Update the message, save, and close the editor.

Step 3: Push the Amended Commit

After amending the commit, push the changes to the remote repository. Use the --force flag to overwrite the previous commit:

git push --force  

Step 4: Rewriting an Older Commit Message

If the commit is not the most recent one, you’ll need to use an interactive rebase:

  1. Start an interactive rebase: git rebase -i HEAD~N Replace N with the number of commits you want to view. For example, to rebase the last three commits: git rebase -i HEAD~3
  2. In the editor that opens, locate the commit you want to change and replace pick with reword next to it. Example: reword abc123 Fix typo in README pick def456 Add user authentication pick ghi789 Update documentation
  3. Save and close the editor. You’ll be prompted to edit the commit message. Update the message, save, and close again.
  4. Push the rewritten commits: git push --force

Best Practices for Changing Commit Messages

  1. Communicate with Your Team
    If you’re working in a shared repository, inform your team before force-pushing changes.
  2. Avoid Rewriting Public History
    Only rewrite commits if you’re confident that others haven’t based their work on them.
  3. Be Descriptive
    Use clear, concise messages that reflect the purpose of the commit.
  4. Double-Check Before Pushing
    Ensure the new message is accurate to avoid needing further amendments.

When Not to Change a Commit Message

  • After a Public Release: Avoid rewriting commits that have already been included in a release.
  • When Working on Shared Branches: Rewriting commit history on branches actively used by others can cause conflicts.


Force Push Warning

If Git rejects your push because of non-fast-forward changes, use:

git push --force-with-lease  

This is safer than --force because it prevents overwriting others’ work inadvertently.

Detached HEAD State

If you accidentally enter a detached HEAD state during rebase, use:

git rebase --abort  

This will cancel the rebase process and restore your branch to its previous state.


Changing a commit message in Git after a push is a powerful tool for maintaining a clean and meaningful commit history. However, it requires careful handling, especially when working in a shared environment.

By following the steps and best practices outlined in this guide, you can confidently amend commit messages while minimizing disruptions to your workflow or team.

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